27 Feb Praying for Those In Authority
“I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.” (1 Timothy 2:1–2)
The political rhetoric has been flying for quite some time now and will only get more heated as the field of candidates narrows and we draw closer to actually voting for the next POTUS. I have lots of opinions about the different candidates, and do not shy away from sharing those opinions with others…and I believe we are in the mess we are in today, in part because Bible believers sit back, say and do nothing, while excusing their apathy with the sovereignty of God. I have grown especially weary of “evangelicals” who keep saying, “We aren’t voting for a Pastor-in-Chief”, as if our desire shouldn’t be for our next president to have a moral base and some integrity. Righteousness STILL exalts a nation (Proverbs 14:34) and it is sad to watch Christians support unchristian, immoral candidates like Donald Trump. We need to pray and vote our values like never before, which leads me to the verse above.
The exhortation from God to supplicate, pray, and intercede on the behalf off “all” men has been a challenging thing for me. Like you, there are men that I actually don’t like and feel the world would be better off if they weren’t in it. However, God says we are to pray for everyone, including politicians that we detest. It is my opinion, unfortunately, that most people don’t pray for them and when they do pray, are praying amiss.
Many people pray for Kings and for all that are in authority that they may be left alone. They don’t want government involved in their lives. They would rather the government stay out of their wallets, out of their homes, out of their schools, etc. We want a president that will fight for our rights that we can keep more of our money, keep our guns, keep out of our business in general. While I would agree that government should do just that, that really isn’t what God is telling us to pray about. Yes, we should want a smaller government that leaves us alone that we may live a “quiet and peaceable” life…but it isn’t just about taxes, property, money, privacy, and the rest of the “stuff” we want. Evangelicals in this country are increasingly worldly and carnal…we want what we want and we pray for it, but “Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts.” (James 4:3)
We are to pray for Kings and those in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life…IN ALL GODLINESS AND HONESTY. The word honesty in 1 Timothy 2 means: dignity, gravity – it denotes a sense of pride (self-respect) and behavioral dignity. Is it your desire to live godly and with behavioral dignity? Do you want a government in place that will allow you to peaceably live for God and grow in faith and righteousness? Are you more concerned with your “rights” as an American citizen than you are about your responsibility as a citizen of Heaven? You may be praying, and God may not be answering, because you are praying for the wrong things for the wrong reasons? Ask yourself, “Why am I supporting the candidate I am supporting?” Does the answer to that question have anything to do with you becoming more “holy in all manner of conversation”?
Anyways…pray and pray hard. But, pray effectual, fervent prayers as righteous people. Not because you want stuff, or a wall, or someone “angry” that just speaks what comes out of his desperately wicked heart.
Autumn Cleveland
Posted at 21:15h, 27 FebruarySo true, love this.